
Monday, September 28, 2015


1. It’s the zombie apocalypse and writers have got to stick together to survive. Pick 3 authors to be on your zombie apocalypse killing team and tell us why you’d choose them.
Amy says:
1. Charlotte Brontë. Even though she had a life filled with tragedy, her ambition and perseverance tell me she could kick some serious butt.
2. Emily Bronte. Emily proved that she could kick butt: she once cauterized her own wound after having been bitten by a dog.
3. J.K. Rowling. I think she’d be fun to be around, and she has such a great imagination I believe she could outsmart those zombies.

2. If Stephen King and J. K. Rowling were drowning in a river, who would you save first? And now you have to tell us why ;)
Amy says: J. K.! I am a huge Potterhead and don’t care much for horror. I also think that J.K. could offer a more substantial reward. And invite me to live with her in her castle. (Can you say “wish fulfillment”?)

3. We authors are voracious readers. My TBR list is approximately 8 miles long. What are you currently reading?
Amy says: A fun book interviewing comics of all stripes, Poking a Dead Frog by Mike Sacks. Also finished an excerpt from The Girl With Seven Names: A North Korean Defector’s Story by Hyeonseo Lee. Next up: A People’s History of the Great Recession by Arthur Delaney and The Second Intellient Species by Marshall Brain. You know, just some light “beach” reading with Fabio on the cover! :>

4. What is the one book that you could read a million times and never get bored with?
Amy says:Pride and Prejudice, baby!

5. Last year my favorite read was The Martian by Andy Weir. What was your best read of 2014?

Amy says: Sideways 3: Chile by my friend Rex Pickett.

6. This year my favorite read has been The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. What’s the best book you’ve read so far in 2015?
Amy says: The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos by Brian Greene

7. You’re a writer by day and a superhero by night. (Take off those geeky glasses Superman) What’s your superpower?
Amy says: In fact, I’m a software developer by day and a writer by night. So my superpower is working two full-time jobs concurrently!

8. I have writing spots all over my house: my desk, my couch, the patio, and my bed. Where’s your favorite spot to write?
Amy says: My dining room nook. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, and yes, it gives me lower back pain, but I have a nice view of lovely Northwest scenery.

9. We’re supposed to love all of our children equally, but there are some scenes I’ve written that really stick out in my mind. Tell us your favorite scene from your book The Misses Brontes Establihsment.
Amy says: It’s the scene where the young heroine, Maria, pretends to be Emily Brontë on the sisters’ fabled trip to London to prove they were three different authors. In reality, Emily refused to go, but Maria does a bang-up impersonation laden with subtle comedy.

9. Sometimes a little too much of myself slips into my characters. Which one of your characters most resembles you?
Amy says: Charlotte Brontë. Like her, I’m hypersensitive, thin-skinned, and appreciate truth in Art, but I also have her ambition, never-say-die attitude, and nun-like dedication to her craft.

10. I’ve always got tunes rocking while I’m writing. Tell us five songs that are on your playlist.
Amy says: NONE! I can’t concentrate with music in the background. I am however fond of Guns N’ Roses, Marilyn Manson, and Ting Ting.

11. If you could tell an aspiring author one tiny tidbit of information, what would you say?
Amy says: DON’T! (kidding). Be prepared for the long haul. The arts ain’t easy, and they never have been. This is a tough game, so toughen up and be prepared to go the distance. I prepared by working for 15 years in the film industry. Do I win something?

Get your copy of The Misses Brontë’s Establishment

Connect with Amy!

Amy Wolf is a Kindle Scout winner for her novel THE MISSES BRONTES ESTABLISHMENT, which launched on August 11, 2015.
She has published 38 short stories in the fantasy/sf press, including REALMS OF FANTASY (2) and INTERZONE (U.K.). She is a graduate of the Clarion West Writer's program and has an honors English degree from The University of London.
She started her career working for the major Hollywood studios, especially 20th Century Fox.
One of three natives out of 10 million, Amy was forced from L.A. and now lives in Seattle (where it rains). She has one adult daughter currently terrorizing L.A., 2 horses, 2 dogs, and a bunny.
Check out her blog on

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