
Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome Jake Lingwall author of Freelancer

Let's see what Jake had to say about reading, writing and Zombies!

1.It’s the zombie apocalypse and writers have got to stick together to survive. Pick 3 authors to be on your zombie apocalypse killing team and tell us why you’d choose them.
Jake Says: Brandon Sanderson – He always has a creative magic system and good endings. Those are two things that could prove helpful when you’re trying to survive.
J.K. Rowling – She’s brilliant and rich (so hopefully she has lots of supplies). I’m not sure if a Patronus can chase off zombies, but I’m hopeful.
Ernest Cline – My strategy for survival would be to just hunker down somewhere and wait for the zombie apocalypse to sort itself out. No better way to pass the time than playing some games with Ernest Cline and debating if Kari (from Freelancer) could beat Wade at video games.
Meredith says:  Nice picks. Have you read World War Z? There's a scene where survivors go after the rich folk because of their gated homes and stockpiled supplies. I'm betting on a Patronus! I like that idea.
Jake Says: Saw the movie, but I don't remember any supply raiding in the film. Just lots of Brad Pitt and sick people. Guess that's another example of how watching the movie just isn't the same thing.

2. If Stephen King and J. K. Rowling were drowning in a river, who would you save first? And now you have to tell us why.
Jake Says: Since J. K. Rowling is on my zombie survival team I better save her first. Otherwise, I’d have to replace her with Stephen King and that would make me uneasy.
Meredith says: Lol!

3. We authors are voracious readers. My TBR list is approximately 8 miles long. What are you currently reading?
Jake Says: I’m actually reading a few things at once right now. There’s so much I want to read that it’s hard not to start a few books at once.
Armada by Ernest Cline. Ready Player One was epic and the top selling novel in the “cyberpunk” category that my book is in, so I had to check out Cline’s next book.
Hooked: How to Build Habit Forming Products by Nir Eyal. I’m a front-end web developer for work so I try to keep up on my trade when I’m not writing. This is a great book about building products that users want to keep using. I actually find it has many great parallels for writing as well.
The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee. My wife is currently battling Leukemia and this book was a recommendation by her Oncologist.
I see you are one of those readers who reads more than one book at once.
Meredith says: My father battled Leukemia. Prayers to your wife.
Jake Says: Thanks, I really appreciate that. We're doing pretty well right now all things considered.

4. What is the one book that you could read a million times and never get bored with?
Jake Says: I’m a sucker for nostalgia so anything that I read and loved as kid never grows old. I’d probably say that Ender’s Game is the one book that I have read the most times.

5. Last year my favorite read was The Martian by Andy Weir. What was your best read of 2014?
Jake Says: Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson was my favorite book of 2014. I’ve been a sucker for anything he writes ever since he finished the Wheel of Time.

6. This year my favorite read has been The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. What’s the best book you’ve read so far in 2015?
Jake Says: I feel like I keep mentioning the same names, but I’d be lying if I said anything but Ready Player One. Although some of the regency romance books I’ve been reading with my wife are closing in ;).
Meredith says: Whoa whoa whoa... you can't just drop a bomb like that. A dude reading regency romance?! I've never come cross a guy who will admit to this. Kudos to reading with your wife - I love discussing books with my husband. Also, have you read Captain and Countess by Alice Gaines - a fellow kindle scout winner? It was a great read.
Jake Says: I haven't had a chance to read any of the Kindle Scout books yet. But there are dozens that I'm going to get to shortly. I'll have to move Captain and the Countess to the top of that list. =)

7. You’re a writer by day and a superhero by night. (Take off those geeky glasses Superman) What’s your superpower?
Jake Says: I’m actually a software engineer during the day and a writer by night, but there’s always time to be a superhero. I’ve always been a big superhero guy so it’s hard for me to choose. I don’t think I’d want anything too powerful that would be too much pressure. So, I think right now I’d go with something simple like Longshot’s power from the X-men. He’s just super lucky. Blind pick some stocks to make some money and do some party tricks to impress people sounds like less stress than always having to save the world like Superman.

8. I have writing spots all over my house: my desk, my couch, the patio, and my bed. Where’s your favorite spot to write?
Jake Says: I bought an old used treadmill that with a few old pieces of wood sitting across the handlebars works pretty well as a treadmill-desk. Feels double productive to write and get a little bit of exercise.
Meredith says: I mean... I've been reading a lot about these fancy treadmill desks and they are pretty pricey. To think you just made one with some old pieces of wood.
Jake Says: Works like a charm too! I lost 15 pounds on a steady diet of writing.

9. We’re supposed to love all of our children equally, but there are some scenes I’ve written that really stick out in my mind. Tell us your favorite scene from your book Freelancer.
Jake Says: I’m not sure I believe the premise of the question, as it’s a generally accepted fact amongst my siblings that I am the 5th most favorite child of my parents. =)
My favorite scenes from Freelancer are when Kari is working on new designs. What inspired me to write this book was dreaming about how programming in the future would be a much more accessible and fluid process than it is now. I think it’s a lot of fun to just freely create whatever the mind can imagine and then use what you came up with to solve problems.

Meredith says: ...having 4 siblings myself, I know you know what I mean ;)

10. Sometimes a little too much of myself slips into my characters. Which one of your characters most resembles you?
Jake Says: I’d say it’s a split between the main characters. Kari is a hacker and a programmer like myself, (although she’s way smarter than I am) and David is a little old school.

11. I’ve always got tunes rocking while I’m writing. Tell us five songs that are on your playlist.
Jake Says:
Firebird – Stravinsky – Love me some classical music. This one is the inspiration for a novel I’m going to start working on soon.
I Wanna Get Better – The Bleachers – Catchy tune with a title that is perfect for when your wife is fighting cancer.
Long Cool Women in a Black Dress – The Hollies. I only listen to the “oldies” station on radio and this one gets played a lot.
Hall of Fame – The Script featuring Will.I.Am. We watch a lot of food network and this song advertises their “Food Network Star” show. I’ve been listening to it ever since the advertisements started a few months ago. =)
Jurassic Park Theme Song – John Williams. John Williams is a genius. I’ve always loved his music, but Jurassic World has landed his work back on my playlists.
Meredith says: Long Cool Woman.... gosh, I forgot how much I loved that song. iTunes thanks you for my recent purchase.
Jake Says: If only they had an affiliate program...

12. If you could tell an aspiring author one tiny tidbit of information, what would you say?
Jake Says: Stop being an aspiring author and be an author. There is nothing stopping you from writing, so do it. You don’t need a certificate, or a license, all you need is a story.

Connect with Jake

(This is Jake - he's working hard and living the dream)


Jake's Bio: I'm a full time writer (of JavaScript code) during the day, but at night my mind turns to Science Fiction and Fantasy. I'm 25 years old and currently living the American dream with my wife and puppy. Freelancer is my first novel and I hope you find it as special as I do. You can find me at my website or tweet me @JakeLingwall.

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