Tuesday, May 9, 2023

A review: I Am Legend

"I Am Legend" is a 1954 horror novel by Richard Matheson that tells the story of Robert Neville, the last surviving human in a world overrun by vampires. The novel is widely regarded as a classic of the horror genre, and its influence can be seen in numerous works of popular culture.

One of the strengths of "I Am Legend" is its exploration of the psychological toll of isolation. Neville is the last living human in a world of vampires, and his loneliness and despair are palpable throughout the book. Matheson's writing is haunting and effective in conveying Neville's mental state.

The book is also notable for its portrayal of the vampires. Unlike the supernatural creatures of earlier vampire stories, Matheson's vampires are the result of a scientific pandemic. They are more akin to zombies than the elegant, aristocratic vampires of earlier fiction, and their portrayal as mindless, bloodthirsty monsters adds to the horror of the story.

Another notable aspect of "I Am Legend" is its exploration of societal norms and morality. Neville's actions are often driven by his own survival instinct, and he must grapple with the ethical implications of his choices. The novel raises important questions about what it means to be human and how we define morality in extreme situations.

Overall, "I Am Legend" is a haunting and thought-provoking novel that has left a lasting impact on the horror genre. Its exploration of isolation, societal norms, and morality is both chilling and insightful. If you're a fan of horror or science fiction, this classic novel is definitely worth a read.

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