Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Review of Soda Pop Soldier by Nick Cole

"I drink your Milkshake. I drink it down!"

An exciting Sci-fi read. If you're a gamer you should read this. If you're not a gamer, you should read this. Set in a bleak future where technology rules, SodaPop soldier is action-packed and thrilling.
4/5 stars


Call of Duty meets Diablo in this fast-paced, action-packed novel from the author of The Wasteland Saga.

Gamer PerfectQuestion fights for ColaCorp in WarWorld, an online combat sport arena where mega-corporations field entire armies in the battle for real world global advertising-space dominance. Within the immense virtual battlefield, players and bots are high-tech grunts, using drop-ships and state-of-the-art weaponry to wipe each other out.

But times are tough and the rent is due, and when players need extra dough, there’s always the Black, an illegal open source tournament where the sick and twisted desires of the future are given free rein in the Westhavens, a gothic dungeon fantasy world.

And all too soon, the real and virtual worlds collide when PerfectQuestion refuses to become the tool of a mad man intent on hacking the global economy for himself.

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