Friday, May 10, 2013

The Hum and the Shiver by Alex Bledsoe

I'm just saying... you should read this book!

 My Review:

It has been a long while since I've read a book that I really loved. I have to say that this is one of them. I've been stalking this book for months, waiting for it to go on sale, and then my dreams came true and it did. The Kindle edition is on sale for $2.99 for a limited time!
Even as I sit here and write this I don't want to be done reading this book. I'm sad it's over. The author created a likeable story with the mystery of the Tufa was compelling and I couldn't put the book down. I'm so glad this wasn't a typical fantasy/faerie story. I really liked Bronwyn's character being a war hero and the setting is easy to relate to current times. The one thing I would have liked was more description with the songs and the music that the Tufa hummed, I wanted a little more than just lyrics, I wanted to feel the songs, but I guess leaving that out contributed further to the mystery. And I love the cover.

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Zombie Friday!

The Chase....

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Nurses Week!

It's National Nurses Week! 

And you know what that means.... nothing really. 
I know, it's kind of anticlimactic, but, such is a nurses life.

We will still go to work, we will still take care of patients, 
and if we are lucky the shift-differential will actually show up in our paychecks.

When I'm not doing all of the other things that I do, 
I am a NICU nurse, 
and I work with some of the smartest, funniest, most caring individuals on this earth!

So Happy Nurses Week Ladies and Gentlemen!

I do hope you all enjoy this montage of hilarious nursing jokes:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

On Choosing a Vampire...

When I'm thinking about what I want to write next I take a quick scan of the top selling books on Amazon. It's easy to see that the top 100 science fiction eBooks on Amazon that paranormal fiction is not dead.

And sometimes I feel this urge to jump on the bandwagon and sell-out and write some magnificently horrible story about Vampires and love...

And then I think to myself: Which Vampire would I choose, there's so many!

And then I laugh to myself. This will never happen.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Choosing your mode of transportation for the Zombie Apocalypse!

Zombie Friday:
Need a sweet ride to drive off into the sunset when the shit... err.. zombies hit the streets?

What will you be driving?

Now you can't rush into this. You can't just drive off into the sunset in your Grandma's caddie because you've always thought is was a sweet ride. There are some important questions you need to ask yourself. Like what's the smartest choice?
  • the most economical
  • the strongest
  • the best off-road capabilities
  • can you sleep in it
  • is there enough space for weapons and rations and water
  • is there enough space to pick up real-live humans along the way

See! Choosing a Zombie Apocalypse vehicle is not easy!

So lets take a look at some options!


Want to channel Darrel with a sweet-ass bike. It's loud as f--k but you'll look pretty bad-ass on it.

Hope the Zombies don't run towards the sound of this shit backfiring...


Looking for a sedan? or a sports-car?
 Hyundai has got you covered. 
Although, I don't think the add-ons will assist with gas mileage...

Afraid of running out of gas? 



Looking for something a little larger. 
A space you can call your own? 
Afraid of using public restrooms?
No better choice than the RV! 

Best part: You can eat a ham sandwich on the toilet while your wife drives!

 You don't give a damn about gas-mileage:

 Then take the SUV

Nothing says 'Yippee Ki-yay Mother F------r' better than a huge ass SUV, loaded down with 2 tons of guns and bullets, burning up the last bits of the ozone.


 I have no idea category what this piece would fall under... But it is amazing.

The mother of all Zombie Apocalypse vehicles will always be the tank. Hands down. 
Nothing makes a person shit their pants faster than when they see a huge-ass tank rambling towards them. Even Zombies will run the other way when they see a tank coming. Well, maybe...

My choice:

I'm a Jeep girl at heart. 
Yeah, I know it has it's pitfalls and maybe it won't help me survive, but I love my Jeep. 
(No I don't own this one)