Thursday, January 3, 2013

One Writer's Dilemma: New Year's Resolutions

Usually I don't bother with resolutions, not because I don't follow them 
(unless it has to do with losing weight or eating less, those one's I always fail on), 
 it's because every year of my life I've always had professional and personal goals I've wanted to achieve. And each year I manage to achieve them.

But this year I've seen a lot of people saying they aren't going to be jealous of others success.

Reading this causes my right eye to twitch just a little


Because I'm going to be jealous as shit of other people's success


I'm not going to sit back and smile and nod 

and say things like 
"That's great" or "Good for them" 
and go on my merry way.

No sir ye Bob.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going to be happy for their success.

Then I'm going to go home and work my tush off so I can be successful too.

No that doesn't include a clean bathroom, or fridge, or that mold being removed from around my dishwasher, or picking up the dog poop everyday in the backyard so my husband doesn't step in it.

Seriously, no one ever became successful because they were simply happy for other people. 
They became successful because they wanted that same success, they craved it, and dwelled upon it, and wrote about it, and dreamed about it, and let it tear a ulcer in their gut. Then they took some Pepcid and got on with it! 

It's those people who can harness the energy of jealousy and turn it into something wonderful, who become successful themselves.

Think about it:


Example 1:

T-Rex didn't rise to the top of the food chain because he was "happy" for the Velociraptor's success of taking down that Stegosaurus. 
Hell NO! 
T-rex pulled up the sleeves on his tiny little arms and got in there, he was so jealous of that Velociraptor he stole that shit and ate it. That's how T-Rex got his success. 


Example 2:

Unicorn Man didn't become Unicorn Man by being so happy and joyful for the other unicorn people, did he? 
Hell NO!
Unicorn man took it upon himself to harness his jealous energy and make something so awesome we are all without words:

(see you're freaking speechless!!!)

That's how you rise to the top of the food chain my friends. 

You let that jealousy brew within your cold, dead little heart until something amazing happens!

It's good to be jealous. That's the truth. I read it on the internet.

So while you're putting together your New Year's Resolutions add a little jealousy in there

be a T-Rex

be Unicorn Man


Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Since this is my holiday to work I will be spending the New Year with a bunch of babies. No really, there's about 56 babies in the NICU right now.

Hoping everyone has a wonderful time ringing in the New Year!!!

The ultimate downside of working for the holiday = no drinking :(

Friday, December 28, 2012

Zombie Friday: We're back!

Now that we are done worrying about the predictions of the indigenous people of Southeastern Mexico and Central America. 

Let us get back to business.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

One Writer's Inspiration: What's on your nightstand?

What's on your nightstand?

Mine has been known to hold a retainer, an alarm clock, a few toys, a box of tissues, a glass of water, an inch of dust, books, books and more books.

Yes, that is a true story right there to the left...

I sleep next to them, hoping their greatness will seep into me as I sleep, filling my brain with wonderful ideas. Each night I open and re-read parts from at least two of these books.

There's my current read, The Hobbit, two books on edible plants and yes, The Hunger Games Trilogy (stop judging me! I love them!)

And stop looking at all the electrical cords. I know, electrical fire hazard and paper right next to each other are not a good idea.

And yes, those are two textbooks.

I am a true geek. I sleep with Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology and Brock's Biology of Microorganisms next to me. There was a Biochemistry textbook there at one time, but, it resides in my library now.

No no no, I cannot show you THE library, it's quite a mess..

What's that box? You ask.
My childhood treasure chest.
My mother and father had these ornately carved cedar boxes. 
That one was my Father's, he passed away when I was nine. It holds little bits of my childhood, pictures, rocks, tiny toys, memories and magical things. If I remember correctly, there may actually be a unicorn in there. A real live one. These are some of the things that bring me inspiration.

What's on your nightstand?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Zombie Friday: But it's the Mayan Apocalypse?


The world was supposed to end today. 


 I think the world was supposed to end at least five times since I've been on this earth...

Speaking of the Apocalypse, it's a little warm today. I'm sweating a little... 

Oh, wait, that's because I just opened my credit card bill only to see I haven't paid of the gifts from last year. Ouch.

There is no worse time to schedule an Apocalypse than during the Holiday Season. 
Or better time! - Pretending to believe in the Mayan apocalypse prophecy is a great way to get out of buying Christmas presents.

At least my credit card statement will be much less than usual in January.

Enjoy the Apocalypse.

I still think we should be worrying a little more about falling off the fiscal cliff like a bunch of lemmings.

See you on the flip side... 

I hope...

And now you're thinking:

But I'm so confused... 

I thought the Zombie Apocalypse was coming??... 

Oh, it is my friends. 
Come back next week

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Zombie Friday: The day before

I know, it's not Friday yet.
I just had to post a little tid-bit of Supernatural excellence!



Monday, December 17, 2012

One Writer's Dilemma: Inspiration and the weather

This winter, I was counting on curling up next to my fire, with a big mug of coffee, and typing away as I watched the snow pile up outside. 

There's only one problem...

NO snow!


I live on the shores of Lake Ontario 
in the North of Northern Upstate New York

It's December 17th, and still, nothing.
I miss snowmen, 

and sledding, 

and fearing for my life while driving in a white-out! 

This has been going on for four years, no snow for Christmas, or Thanksgiving, or New Year's

When I was in school, heck, when I was in college I could count on at least one snow day by now, but now, there's nothing, my daughter's school was closed for one day, because the sewer main backed up.

If you can't feel it in your most human of human bones 
that something is changing with our earth,
and we've caused it,
perhaps you're not truly as human as you think you are...

Now, where's my snow?