Friday, November 16, 2012

Zombie Fridays: Because every girl needs to look good while slaughtering the living dead

I have a deep dark secret that I need to confess...

I'm a zombie lover.

Actually, they scare the $hiZy out of me. 

But I feel like the only way to face this fear, is to learn to love them... 
and prepare myself for the impending Zombie Apocalypse.. 

Because we all know, it's coming.

So I've decided every Friday will be my Zombie posting day. 


Because I work night shift every weekend, 
and most of the time I feel like (and look like) a zombie. 

So please, don't chop my head off, you may need me to save your life someday.

Keep calm I'm a nurse/biochemist/writerofsometimesawesomethings.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

One Writer's Dilemma: My computer almost died and took my second draft to laptop hell...

Like any good writer with OCD, I save my work. And then I save it again... and again.
I save drafts, rough drafts, notes, beta reader edits, editor edits. They are all neatly labeled and filed away. I even manage to back them up to my email. Just in case.

And I like to envision my computer's innards similar to this:

I also have this problem of saving my emails.
Is hoarding a problem? 
Because I'm sure my inbox could be compared to one of those houses on Hoarders.

No joke, when my husband walks by my computer he usually gasps in horror at the fact that I usually have over 1,000 emails in my inbox.
Hey, don't judge, a few months ago I cleaned it up and got it down to 700.
I'm just glad electronic files don't rot and smell...


So back to my OCD-ness of saving.

I woke up a few days ago and thought to myself:


"I haven't done a backup in a while. 
I should do that again soon."

A few days later, I'm sitting in my living room, typing away, alone, at night. Editing my beloved second draft of novel number 2.
And just as I write the words "Brain scans." 
My computer screen goes black.

No power. No love. Nothing.
As I'm staring at my laptop in horror, trying not to scream like there's a hoard of zombies in my living room.

I remember the thought I had of backing up my work. 
So I grab my trusty iPhone and check my email, thinking to myself: "it's ok, don't panic

I find that the last backup was over two weeks old!

(Enter looks of confusion coming from Stevie-dog at my groans of despair.)


So then I'm thinking I might be onto something 
in the fictional world I've been creating for months
and maybe the government has been watching me 
and maybe they shut my shit down... 


Back to real life:

I have a few choices now:
  1. I can run up stairs and wake up my husband sobbing "fix it, fix it right now!" 
  2. I can bring it to some computer repair place in three days because I have to work my real job, three days, ugh. 
  3. I can fix this shit myself
I chose option 3.

Thank you iPhone and reading glasses.
I search and search and search. 
I press random buttons on my keyboard that someone said might work.

I'm pretty sure I resemble this image:

I pray to the lord Jesus.

Nothing happens.

  Ultimate sadness :(

It's when I look down to my power cord that I realize the green light is off. And when I check the power outlet I see I plugged it into an outlet which is attached to a light switch, which happens to be in the off position.
I unplug, hold my trusty green apple Inspiron to my chest and make way for the dining room. Where I plug the power chord into a different outlet and immediately hear the strange noises my laptop makes when it's loading up.

Yay!! The Joy!! The Glee!!

Thank you Autosave!

Thank you random power outlet!

Thank you Dell Inspiron 1525 for not going to laptop hell and bringing my files with you Iloveyousomuch! 

Thank you Stevie-dog for not judging!

The first thing I did was save that shit and email it to myself.

Then I poured myself some more rum. - As I pour my fourth glass of rum and coke, I think of you.  

Monday, November 12, 2012

One Writer's Dilemma:Querying is the bane of my existence...

One Writer's Dilemma:Querying is the bane of my existence...

There is this thing we must do as writers if we want to get published traditionally.

That is...

you guessed it write a query letter.

(I think I just threw up a little in my mouth)

I've researched, read, reached out, edited, edited, edited, bugged my beta readers, edited, reached out to Agents who offer their help in exchange for a little personal ridicule....edited, stalked agents, edited, read how to write blah blah blah... edited some more, stalked some more, made lists and lists and lists,  and edited.

Now, I have 8 different versions of my query letter and a very efficient excel spreadsheet

What have I learned?

What I actually learned:

  1. I think I wasted about three weeks of my life.
  2. Half the agents contradicted what they want
  3. Everyone wants something different
  4. Your letter must be perfect or it's implied you suck
  5. Don't expect a response letter
  6. The response letters you get back will be few and far between
  7. Some of the response letters are so poorly written it makes one wonder... I'm not going to finish that thought
  8. Some of the response letters, were inspirational
  9. I think the only thing getting published right now is young adult (seriously, I went to B&N today and the YA section had taken over the first three bookshelves. I had to ask for help finding an adult best seller, they had been moved to the back of the store)

With the success of Amazon and drama from the merger of certain publishing companies, I'm thinking Indie might be the way to go these days.

But who knows, I might actually get a response.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

One Writer's Dilemma: I forgot how to socialize with real live people...

One Writer's Dilemma: I forgot how to socialize with real live people...

I guess it happens to most writers, I spend a good part of my day in front of my computer, interacting with fictional characters. And soon, I've forgotten how to complete a sentence. It's true, ask any of my coworkers...

Today just solidified the issue. I had a family member visit for a few hours, and then I talked on the phone for another hour. Needless to say, I didn't get much writing done today, and I'm exhausted from all the talking.

When I'm not working, writing, or pretending to keep my house in order, 
I'm hanging out with these "friends"

These fish are my friends!

So are these!

And these!

This is how I spent my summer, socializing with plants...

No life is fulfilled without a few good dogs!

Which has resulted in this:

And the reason why I drink so much at social events...

Good thing I stocked up on rum last night.

Monday, November 5, 2012

One Writer's Dilemma: "We are waiting for something different and awesome..."

"We are waiting for something different and awesome..."
When I read things like this
I think to myself: 

Really.... really?...

Then I bite my tongue.

I want to write a psychotic, raving response to them all.

Not for my writing

(Okay, maybe a tiny bit for my writing)

But  for all the stories out there

all the writer's out there

who are so much better than I am.

Whose amazing stories I've read and wondered why it hasn't been picked up yet

I'm sure their work has been sitting in your inbox for eight months

Now, I have to bite my tongue again, because an agent or publisher may or may not read this someday. And with all the recent posts out there, I guess I just broke the golden rule of etiquette... Oh wells...

 Is the liquor store open, yet?

Source: via Meredith on Pinterest

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Today kicks off a month of NaNoWriMo:

Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. - Earl Nightingale

Source: via Diane on Pinterest